Simple + Small

Sunday, February 2

Amidst busy lives and hectic schedules, Tony and I were able to sneak away to Houston for the entirety of our Saturday. I so greatly enjoy pretty days with this fella. Bike rides, walks, discovering coffee shops and new cafes, discussing life and the Lord. It makes my heart happy. It was almost as if there were no worries about homework and work shifts and our commitments, just us two alone in the world.

I always need one of these days every once in a while; a day to relax and let the Lord just give joy in the simple things.

Seek the simple + the small this week. You'd be surprised to see how the Lord can work in your life in these tiny ways.


For any of you Houstonians: check out Revival Market and Eatsie Boys.


  1. Your photos are gorgeous. I lived close to Houston when I was younger, and loved it! Except for the heat!

    Great blog by the way! I'm your newest follower!

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment! Glad you're reading along. :)


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