DIY Leaf Art

Thursday, April 4

As you'll come to know on this blog, I love the Earth. I find such beauty in the outdoors; the towering trees, the fragile leaves, and everything that 'green' may encompass. Earth is beyond beautiful and I love to add simple bits and pieces of it into my room. My room is my special place where I meet with the Lord, laugh with Tony, and find peace in dark, solitude. My small room has a soft, warm glow, and in the midst of a crazy household, it's where I can be still. If you ever happen to step a foot in here, you'll see green leaves, green plants, green succulents, green and white and yellow flowers, some old pine branches, and even some palm leaves. I like to mix the indoors with the outdoors.

This is a simple fun project I did, in order to add some more Earth into my humble abode.

What you'll need:
/ Canvas
/ Hot Glue
/ Any plants, leaves, or 'pieces of Earth'
/ Yarn or hemp

I took a simple white canvas and flipped around to where the wood and back of the canvas was exposed. I picked out a beautiful collection of leaves from my backyard and arranged them from biggest to smallest. I then hot glued the leaves onto the canvas. If you don't want to hang it up, that's all you'll need. But mine is hanging up on my wall, so I glued a piece of hemp onto the back in two places. In order to make sure the hemp was secure enough to hold it up, I hot glued a piece of cloth over the knot of hemp on each side. 

This is a project with a lot of room for creation. You could display all kinds of things (maybe not even plants) and you could do a canvas of any size. It's simple, and quick.

Simple beauty calls for simple creation.

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