Modest Summer, Anyone?

Wednesday, April 10

Well, I don't know about any of you, but I am currently on the look-out for my bathing suit for this summer! I  love the summer time, especially if it is spent in the water. But I am never fond of bathing suit shopping. Not only is it terrible trying on tons of bathing suits, just to buy the same plain black one (but in a different size) every year, I hate the way my body looks in most bathing suits. It's not the most comfortable thing having only about 15% of my body covered up, with the chance that my entire butt will show at some point or my top might accidentally get pulled down by an ocean wave.

This year I have definitely been looking for something a little more on the 'covered' side, just because I believe I would have much more fun worrying about a sunburn instead of when I might flash someone. Plus, if you're anything like me, you're a little shy when it comes to skin.

With that being said, I have FINALLY come across a wonderful bathing suit shop that not only has adorable one pieces, and lots of styles, but it's also the 'vintage styled bathing suits' at awesome prices!

Beverly Swimwear gives the ladies options to some beautiful and timeless swimsuit designs with tons of choices of customizations, styles, and patterns. These vintage-inspired suits are handmade by a lady named, guess what, Beverly! She styles and sews these bathing suits to fit your summer need.

Check out the site and pick out your bathing suit! Here are some of my favorites:

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