52 Lists: Week One

Wednesday, April 10

I came across an awesome project that I really, really liked. Moorea Seal began a project on her blog called 52 Lists. Every week she posts a new list prompt/topic. It's quite fun simply sitting down and writing a list. It really does show some things about yourself that you, otherwise, don't think about too often. All the lists are in a downloadable PDF file every week, in order for you to print it out, open it up on word, post it on your blog, or whatever else your heart desires.

This weeks list, is 'Words that Touch Your Soul.' Words are a funny thing, aren't they? The connotation a word holds to it, the delicate curves and dips on the tongue can move your heart, bring a smile to your face, or bring up things you've tucked away for years. We get so caught up in words. The details of every word can or will affect us in some way or another.

I love this list, and I loved doing this list. Things that touch my soul are things of the Lord, so of course many of my words pertain to that. It was so nice being able to sit there and think of words that describe Him, or that describe us, His creation. Although He is holy and faultless, we are imperfect yet He loves us so unconditionally. These words are beautiful to me, and they touch my soul in someway or another. What words touch your soul?

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