Let's Talk Buff

Tuesday, April 23

So, one day I was talking a nice little stroll through Academy (Tony and I's favorite store) and I happened to come by this AWESOME headband. This headband is made by a company called Buff, and let me tell you; they rule. This is used for outdoors and sports, it can be worn 12 ways (and probably more if you can think of some other ways) and it is literally perfect for ANY occasion at any time. They have two sizes, this being a bigger one but they also carry a smaller one, which happens to be cheaper. I picked up this gem for a solid $20. Some of you may think that's a little pricey for a silly headband, but Buff headbands feature uv protection, they are multifunctional and 100% seamless (perfect for anyone with a big head and lots of hair like me), it's moisture managing for those sweaty guys and gals (again like me), it's odor and wind resistant, it dries quickly, it has natural stretch, and it's thermal protected! Let's just say it's the macdaddy of all headbands.

I decided to buy this simply because I am constantly on the move, and my hair is big and thick! It does not stay off my skin if I wear it in a bun, and ponytails just don't work. If you know me, you'll usually see me with some kind of turban or scarf around my head, but this really does take the cake for a perfect hairpiece.

Above, I showed some of the ways, I myself, will be wearing this Buff headband. It's light and it's super stretchy! Again, I got mine at Academy, but they have a much wider selection of styles on buffusa.com.

It's safe to say I'm in love with this thing. P.s. I'm wearing as I type this post! Now go buy yourself one!

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