This weekend I finally got to hang out with one of my personal photographer role models and inspirations. San Antonio based wedding photographer, Anthony Guana of Tailored Filter Photography. Him and his sweet girlfriend, Amanda, drove to Houston this past weekend. We had a chance to meet up, grab some drinks and coffee at Down House, and explore some of the Heights! Remember back in the Myspace days when people used to say, "p4p?" Otherwise known as, "pic4pic." Well we totally did that. I got to take some portraits of Amanda + Anthony, and he took a few of me as well!
Despite the extreme Texas humidity that night and the gray skies taking up all of our sunshine, we had a loads of fun just hanging out and getting to know each other. I'm thankful to be part of this community of creative individuals who are always ready to explore, try new things, and make new friends.

Don't forget to check out Anthony's work →
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