Refinement + Obedience

Monday, April 7

Throughout the course of my faith, I've learned that the biggest step in doing God's work in His Kingdom is obedience. Faith without obedience is merely faith. It is not a faith that is wrapped up in God's purpose, in His will + plans for His people. Lately, I have felt my Spirit desiring obedience so fully I cannot even grasp it. With life moving fast, a new job, a growing business, changes + growth, I'm feeling God reminding me that obedience is key in this season of my life. Never before have I felt this incredible desire to bow down in obedience before Him like I have recently.

As Christ followers, we are continuously sanctified till the day we meet God face to face. We are changed, refined, and transformed each and every day. The Lord may work differently in each of us, and I have felt this period of sanctification like a huge responsibility on my shoulders. Without saying too much, I feel like I have a purpose that I didn't think I would have before (nor that I expected). Jesus is calling me to lay down my life, to serve with every ounce of love in my bones that He graciously gives me, and He is calling me to live a life that represents Him courageously and humbly. It is not easy, and it is not comfortable, nor is it natural for my flesh. But it is good. It is perfect. He is sovereign. When my flesh craves sin and I am convicted of humility and love, I know God is working and it is powerful.

I don't know where He is leading me just yet, and I don't know how it will work. But overall, He is satisfied when we are obedient to His calling. My sacrifice of my flesh is the Kingdom's gain.


"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." – Isaiah 1:19


  1. This is exactly what I have been feeling lately - being obedient to God isn't natural for me. It's not supposed to be. You're supposed to want it because God is so good, but it's supposed to be something that takes a serious, conscious effort. He's doing wonderful things in our lives!

    Lindsey //

  2. This could not have been better timed! I've been feeling the same way with all the new changes happening in my life and this was a great reminder!


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