One Year

Thursday, August 29

Today marks one year that I've been in a growing, fruitful relationship with Tony. It has been wonderful and too beautiful for even the most intricate words. I am just amazed by the way Christ can use our love to teach us, lead us, and daily sanctify us. Tony has been a light to me from the beginning of our friendship, to the beginning of our relationship, till now. I have seen the ugliest sides of me and I have seen my strengths. We have accepted each others flaws, and together through Christ, we are learning what it means to love without condition.

It is hard. It is commitment. It has grown my Spirit to rely on Christ's strength, His love, His grace, His forgiveness, His humility, His sacrifice, and His patience in order to fully submit and love Tony, just as Christ loves him. "Being in love" was the easy part, now it's the daily love that pushes me further and further than yesterday. It is the daily commitment to accept one another and forgive one another; to push past our selfish desires and serve each other with righteous humility. This year has given me a foundation of relationships, of love, and a tiny, yet beautiful, perception of what marriage will be like someday.

Here's to a year of growth + love that can only be multiplied from here.

I love you, Tony Torres.


  1. Love this! Happy anniversary. May you grow closer to Tony as you both pursue Jesus. Love is hard, but it's worth it, isn't it?

  2. Oh girl, how exciting! What a day to be celebrated! Happy one year to you both :)


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