Latest Thoughts + Priorities

Monday, August 5

I can't believe it's been a week since my last post. Lately life has been so busy + full of so many things. As of recently I really had to decide what my priorities are, and how I can set those into place. Although I love to blog, it wasn't too high on my list. That would explain my lack of consistency lately, which I can't really say I'm sorry for!

God has been filling up my days with so much goodness, no matter how busy it may be. Currently doing two jobs, about to start four classes, being involved with church, ministry, a baby brother to be born in three weeks, a discipleship program, and being intentionally involved in the lives of my friends, my load has been crazy, but so rewarding. God is really teaching me how to rely on His unfailing strength and not my own. I've realized the necessity of rest, but also the fulfillment of His plans. I'm beginning to see the fruits of the Spirit that come with dedication and discernment, not just of my time, but of my thoughts too. The Lord's will has pushed me to truly seek where I'm storing up my treasures . . . here or in Heaven. I still have so much work to accomplish and far more wisdom to learn about His will for my life.

Well with an end to a somewhat drawn out post, I'll say that blogging is not my 'priority.' But I do love it, and I plan to continue posting. I cannot guarantee a steady flow of DIY's and other creative things, but I will portray Christ, and that's really all I'm called to do. So I'm not sorry if my blog is void of anything that is 'hip' and 'necessary' for a blog to be successful and good. All I want to do is show you Christ and the Gospel. That's my mission.

P.s. Tony took the picture of me (above) from a date we went on this weekend on a paddleboat. As you can see, summer brings out all my freckles.


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