This is my favorite bag of all time. You will probably never see me without this bag. Tony got me this handmade, leather bag for Christmas this past year. It has been the best bag I've ever had. First off, it's an ML Leather product. ML Leather is run by some talented fellas here in my town. They make bags, jewelry, wallets, and other accessories that are just beautiful. I mean look at this! Handmade, hand-sewn, all real leather. Let me tell you, the more you wear it the prettier it gets. I've had this bag for about six months, and it's getting darker and more bold as time wears on it. I use this bag as my daily bag, a camera bag, or whatever other kind of 'bag' I need. I've put some serious use to this traveler bag.
I even have a wallet by ML Leather, (which was actually made to hold tobacco) that I got to match it. If you want good quality leather products, check them out.
This bag definitely isn't as important to me as the one above, but it is still one of my favorites. I actually got this messenger bag for $10 at Hobby Lobby. They sell these inteded to use it as crafts, but I used it and just slapped a patch on! This bag is really big, and carries I lot of stuff, although very disorganized because it has no separate pockets. This is what I usually wear, if I'm not using my other one. That is also a Psalters patch for anyone who wanted to know!
Last but not least! This bag is so beautiful. Tony actually bought this for me at a fair trade / imported, handmade goods store in Austin, TX. I wish I could remember the name. This little satchel is very tiny, but this is what I usually carry if I know I'll be walking a lot. Perfect to wear out, especially when I don't want to carry much. It's handmade, genuine leather made in Bolivia.
If you couldn't tell, I adore brown and leather.
I have that Psalters patch in brown. :)