
Thursday, October 10

Not too long ago Tony and I did a couple session with my lady friend Ashley. We got all of our pictures, and I just about died over them. We got these pictures done for our one year anniversary, which was almost two months ago (it goes by so fast!) Although we have a million photos together, I've always been the one to set it up on a tri-pod or ask my mom to take one or two. Finally we got some done, and I am so happy with the outcome. (Can I just say Tony looks like a straight up model? Goodness!)

This isn't just another post to talk about how much I love Tony, and how thankful I am, but really to encourage anyone and everyone in a relationship. If there's one thing I could say has been the most challenging yet rewarding thing Tony and I are growing in is patience. Physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional patience has been ever-so challenging. With each new season of our relationship the Lord brings a new level of patience into our relationship for us to grow and act upon. Although there are some days when I am sick of being patient, I am reminded of the reward; I am reminded of the bigger picture that is hidden in the Lord's will. If you are in a relationship, be patient. With whatever it may be, be patient with him or her, be patient with yourself, be patient with marriage, and physical boundaries, and commitments, and trials, and joy, and love. Be patient with all of it.The reward of patience is far greater, and better, and joyful than the temporary satisfaction of the absence of patience.

Growing with someone else has never been so wonderful.


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