52 Lists: Week Four

Wednesday, May 8

I totally realized this past week that I skipped week four of my 52 lists. It's just been such a hectic month. But anyways, today I will be resuming this series. I'm still getting the hang of 'blog series' and motivation for posting. It's kind of weird, but hey I love it.

This weeks topic is List Your Current & Future Goals And Dreams. This is something I love to talk about. I do believe the Lord has provided me with spiritual strengths and passions that completely line up with His will for my life. My goals and dreams are simply an image of what He's done in my heart. Talking about what I want to do someday reminds me more and more of how God uses us, even when we see ourselves as so unworthy. He chooses us to spread the Gospel! How awesome is that? I love to be used by Him, and one of my earnest prayers is that I am constantly matching up my life with His will on a daily basis. Not just sometimes or every now and then... everyday I want to be doing what He has so intimately planned for me.

I hope this week's topic will help you make a list or think of some of your dreams and goals. It's always good to be pushing forward, to something worth seeking.

Comment below and tell me what your future goals and dreams are!


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